Indigo Ptah Publications

indigo pubs


the author

Kemetic Mythology

Self Initiate

An author's narrative makes up the essence of her publications. Indigo Ptah writes from her unique perspective... a New Conciousness World perspective where ancient AfRaKan spirituality is emphasized.

Most indigo pubs are written around “Matrialinear” energy embellishing the power of the Ankh where womben are creators and men support all of creation.

Publications with the concept of “Personal Agency” are highly encouraged for the expansion of the reader's thoughts; identification of innerSelf; and figuring on how it all fits into the Universe.

Lotus Drawing

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We are always open to sincere questions, suggestions and ideas. Indigo Pubs insists on being a part of the New Conciousness World; and is willing to be the best contributing Force of Nature necessary. So, don't hesitate to connect with us via email or comments in our social media platforms.


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