palms on the rio


Love and Evolve

Re-Connect with the NTR

Our Hue-man Culture is AgriCulture

Connect2Nature is an evolutionary journey to encourage urban dwellers to Re-Connect to what they truely areā€¦nature, NTR. Living near the food we grow and eat; the water we depend on; and learning from the animal kingdoms: we can naturally Be who we are meant to be. Urban dwellers need balance; and nature is the balance we need.

Step off the grid and re-connect with nature for all the many reasons you must.

Put wellness, peace and hue-manity back into your soul.

palms near canyon

river reeds covering yurt

Step Off the Grid

Your Health is Your Wealth

Getting to Balance can be as easy as temporarily stepping away from day-to-day distractions. Getting too busy with the demands of "life" can result in under-estimating the importantance of taking a deep breath, in Nature, to Re-align.

Becoming addicted to digital life is real... and professional help is sometimes needed to keep the automated devices from taking total control.

With a Disiplined Mind, stepping off the grid may be a simple visit to a local Nature Park. Or could be as extensive as deciding it's time to Re-treat away from a toxic environment for awhile... to better appreciate life and well being." Clean food, air, water and peaceful thoughts

Re-Member... "What U R Seeking is Seeking U"